Morocco has taken the initiative to put biosafety and biosecurity safeguards in place to stop the unintentional release or malicious usage of biological agents that could endanger the health of people, animals, or plants.

A legal and regulatory framework for biosafety and biosecurity has been built in Morocco. The responsibility for managing the nation’s biosafety and biosecurity measures falls on the National Biosafety Commission (Commission Nationale de Biosécurité). This commission makes sure that national laws and regulations are followed.

For laboratory biosafety, Morocco has put standards and guidelines into place for laboratories working with diseases and poisons to abide by these regulations.

Training and Capacity Building: Morocco has actively participated in training and capacity building initiatives for biosafety and biosecurity. Through these activities, laboratory staff, researchers, and other key stakeholders will get better awareness about, and abilities for handling, moving, and disposing of biological materials safely.

In order to improve its biosecurity and biosafety skills, Morocco has participated in international partnerships and collaborations to enhance information sharing, technical support, and involvement in projects aimed at enhancing biosafety and biosecurity capabilities. Morocco also works with regional and global institutions like the WHO and OIE.

To track and address hazards to public health, particularly infectious diseases, Morocco maintains disease surveillance systems. The most important components of biosecurity and biosafety measures are early identification, reporting, and effective response to outbreaks.

Network Participants

  • Laboratoire d’Analyses Médicales CASABARATA (LAMC)
  • Laboratoire SAISS d’analyses médicale (SAISS)
  • Laboratoire régdional d’analyses et de recherches de Casablanca (LRARC)
  • Division de la pharmacie et des intrants vétérinaires / Direction des Intrants et des laboratoires /Office National de Sécurité Sanitaire et des produits Alimentaires (DPIV/DIL) ONSSA
  • Laboratoire hopitalier regional de Benimellal Centre hospitalier regional (Benimellal Centre Lab)
  • Laboratoire de biologie médicale du centre hospitalier regional Hassan II (Hassan II Center Lab)