Tunisia places a high priority on biosafety and biosecurity precautions to prevent the unintentional release or malicious abuse of biological agents that could endanger the health of people, animals, or plants.

 A legal and regulatory framework for biosafety and biosecurity has been built in Tunisia. The nation’s biosafety and biosecurity procedures are governed by the National Authority for the Safety and Security of Biological Substances and Toxins (L’Agence Nationale de Sécurité Sanitaire et de l’Environnement des Produits).

 For laboratory biosafety, Tunisia has put standards and guidelines into place. It is assumed that laboratories working with diseases and poisons will abide by these regulations. The type of work being done and any potential dangers involved determine the amount of biosafety precautions.

Tunisia has taken a proactive role in capacity building and training initiatives for biosafety and biosecurity. These programs seek to improve the expertise and knowledge of researchers, lab workers, and other key participants in the handling, transportation, and disposal of biological materials.

Tunisia has participated in international partnerships and cooperation to enhance its biosecurity and biosafety capacities. Knowledge exchange, technical support, and involvement in projects aimed at enhancing biosafety and biosecurity capabilities are all possible components of these collaborations. Tunisia also collaborates with regional and global institutions like the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) and the World Health Organization (WHO).

Network Participants

  • National Bone Marrow Transplant Center Lab
  • Farhat Hached Hospital Lab
  • National School of Veterinary Medicine Lab
  • Gabes Hospital Lab
  • Mohamed Kassab Institute of Orthopedics Lab
  • Hamdi Dhaouadi Laboratory